
This lesson is part of The Life Journal, your journal to creating an extraordinary life.

In today’s lesson you will create different visions for different areas of your life. At the end, you will put each vision onto a “one pager.” That is, you’ll copy and paste each answer onto one page for easy reference.

I suggest printing out your one pager and either laminating it and sticking it in your shower or framing it and hanging it up in a place where you can read it every day. It is very easy for a document on a computer or in a book to never get opened. But if you have something that is in a place where you go every day (like your office or shower), you will be much more likely to take action on it. The more you focus on your vision and your goals, the faster they will manifest in your life.

In this post, I share personal examples of different visions for each area of life. If they resonate with you, feel free to copy them as your own and make adjustments that fit your specific life, goals, and dreams.  

Your Ultimate Vision. 

Have you ever seen people living extraordinary lives and thought to yourself, “I wish I was them,” or “I wish I could live that type of life.” If those thoughts have come into your mind before, you aren’t alone. Most of us (if not all of us) have wanted to live different lives. Yet, most of us have remained stagnant, not really making the leaps and bounds we hope for.

The question to ask is “am I not where I want to be in life because I am not trying hard enough? Or is it because I simply do not have a clear vision with where I want my life to be?”

99% of the time, the answer is the latter.

Most people work just to pay the bills and enjoy some free time on the weekend. But what if instead of working solely with the purpose to save money, you instead worked with the purpose of creating an ultimate vision for your life? What if you worked to obtain specific goals… not strictly monetary goals, but life goals… goals that will enable you to be happy, free, and successful on your terms.

That is exactly what this exercise will help you accomplish.

So let’s get into it.

Your Ultimate Vision For Each Area Of Your Life

This is a longer exercise, so block off a couple hours to complete it.

Put on some positive, motivational music. Get yourself in a positive state. Be like a kid with no limitations. Anything is possible. People used to believe that electricity was impossible. Then Thomas Edison proved them wrong. People used to think that running a mile in under 4 minutes was impossible. Then Roger Bannister changed the world and broke that limiting belief when he ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59 seconds. And miraculously enough, after Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile for the first time in history, half a dozen other people ended up breaking the 4 minute mile that same year. All it took was the limiting belief that it was impossible for a human to run a mile in under 4 minutes to be broken and a newer, better belief that it was possible to take its place.

For each of the following areas, write down what your specific ultimate vision is in full form sentences.  You can use the sentences here or create your own.

Your Ultimate Vision For Each Area Of Your Life

1. PHYSICAL BODY, HEALTH AND FITNESS (Physical power and world class health and fitness). This is your physical body (appearance, endurance, speed) and your health (how you feel, when your body is operating at optimal efficiently and effectively, your radiance, your vitality).

My health is ______. My weight and body fat% is ______. My muscles are ______. My body is ______. My energy levels ______. When I look in the mirror, I smile and see______. I will live to be at least ______ with ______.

EXAMPLE: My health is impeccable. My weight is 175lbs and body fat% is 9%. My muscles are defined. My body is muscular and in shape. My energy levels soaring. When I look in the mirror, I smile and see a confident man who carries himself with ease. I will live to be at least 140 with awesome health.

2. MIND AND EMOTIONS. Your mind includes your mindset, your attitude, your beliefs, your philosophy of life. Your emotions are how you experience life.

Every day I feel _____(put in as many adjectives about how you feel in your peak state as you can)______. My mindset is _____. My attitude is _____. I believe _____. I have ______. My philosophy about life is _____.

Example: Every day I feel energetic, alive, gracious, thankful, confident, excited, happy, proud, love, loved, determined and at peace. My mindset is sharp and positive. My attitude is optimistic and I believe that anything is possible when you have the right skills or know the people with the right skills. I have a great life. My philosophy about life is that you can create anything you want.

3. RELATIONSHIPS (PASSION AND LOVE). There’s no amount of money that can provide the highest of highs that true love and passion can provide for you in your life. Relationships ampliphy your experience of life. Who you share your life with is perhaps the most important decision you can make in your life. Who you end up with can lead to a path of emotional and financial ruin or it can help to support and empower you. Remember, there are no right or wrongs here. Maybe you want to get married or maybe you want to stay single and date. Everyone’s life plan is different. It is completely up to you. And remember, you can change all of these answers at any time.

In my ideal relationship, _____(write down what your ideal relationship looks like)_____. We _____.  If you haven’t written down what your ideal partner is like, write it all down here as well. Once you write down everything that you want your ideal partner to be, think about what type of person you need to be in order to attract that type of person into your life. You can use this knowledge to help shape your visions for your life.

If you wrote about what you want out of a partner, think about what that type of person would want out of a partner themselves. Are you that person? Does your vision represent that person?

Example: In my ideal relationship, I find my girl to be incredibly attractive. I absolutely adore her. She is kind, sweet, loving, caring, has goals and ambitions and is working towards them (or working towards figuring out what they are). She’s positive and a great communicator. She is open to trying out many things sexually and has a high sex drive. She’s smart and can be witty too. We communicate openly and aim to reconcile any problems or disagreements we might have. We go on adventures together. She is healthy and takes care of her health. Her health is a priority in her life.  

4. FINANCES (ABSOLUTE FINANCIAL FREEDOM).  Money is a part of life. It’s a part of society. You need money for your every day living expenses and your retirement. Whatever inspires and excites you is what you should put down. What are the numbers? What would you do with that money?

I make at least _____ every year. That is equal to _____ every month and _____ a day. I have a net worth of over _____ dollars. I invest in _____. My main sources of income comes from _____. I sell _____ to provide the bulk of my income. My passive incomes streams come from _____.  I will be making at least _____ in purely passive income every month. I will use some of my money to provide for others in a philanthropic way by _____. I will buy _____ with my money.

Example: I make at least 50 million every year. That is equal to 417,000 every month and 13.9K a day. I have a net worth of over 100 Million dollars. I invest in cryptocurrencies, stocks, real estate and companies/startups. My main sources of income comes from my investments. I also get millions of dollars from Cryptolete, Cryptorays, Viola Sleep and Life Journal. Cryptolete sells courses, subscriptions, the VIP telegram group, 1 on 1 mentorship, Crypto Summits, ads/promos on instagram, merch and more. It may even turn into a hedge fund. Cryptorays and Viola Sleep sells blue blocking glasses, glass cleaner, eye covers and sleep aids. “Louis Raskin” sells the Life Journal. My passive incomes streams come from my investments and businesses. I’ll also have my DCA app (if it’s not invented before I can make it). I will be making at least $1MM in purely passive income every month. I will use some of my money to provide for others in a philanthropic way by providing healthy, organic food to kids who are disadvantaged yet are striving to be better. I will mostly use my money to invest. I’ll also buy rental properties, my own apartment, cars, travel, personal development, supplements, chiropractors, personal trainers, chefs and food with my money.

5. CAREER/BUSINESS. This is where you will be spending the majority of your life. Your career should align with your values and purpose. It should make you happy. It should also help you to reach your financial goals.

I _____(what do you want to do)_____. My vision for my career is _____. What I do provides value and helps other people because it _____. The products or services I sell include _____. People buy them because _____. My career allows me to fulfill my philanthropic goals. My career provides me the lifestyle I would like to have because it allows me to _____.

Example: I am the owner of Cryptolete, Cryptorays, Viola Sleep and (possibly) DCA. I am a venture capitalist and Accredited Investor. I own real estate and multiple passive income streams. I have huge YouTube and Instagram channels. Cryptolete teaches people about financial freedom and cryptocurrencies. My personal channel documents my trips and talks about self improvement and personal development. My vision for my career is that I love what I do and I am excited about it every day. I am busy every day making progress towards my goals, and also have the freedom to take breaks if I want one (which is usually every 12 weeks). I want my money-making activities to allow me to do what I want, when I want, with whoever I want. What I do provides value and helps other people because it helps people gain financial freedom (cryptolete), helps people improve their health (cryptorays and Viola Sleep), and helps inspire people to be the best versions of themselves (my personal brand). The products and services I sell include courses, VIP telegram group, merchandise (Cryptolete), glasses and sleep aids (cryptorays and Viola Sleep), and my app (DCA), Life Journal and courses (Louis Raskin). People buy them because they look up to me as a great role model and trust me. They believe in me and have seen me get better and crush life over time. My career allows me to fulfill my philanthropic goals. My career provides me the lifestyle I would like to have because it allows me to travel when I want, go out when I want, workout when I want and positively impact people’s lives.

6. FAMILY (EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY LIFE). You might not have the best relationship with your family. Regardless of the situation you and your family have, you should have a positive relationship with them, for you. Having unresolved family issues can affect everything else in your life. Feel free to alter the sentences or write more if you want.

My family life is _____. I am in contact with _____ at least ____ times a week, or at least ____ times a  month. I do activities_____(what activity do you do)_____ with _____(who do you do it with)_____ because they _____.

I feel  _____(what emotion do you feel)_____ for _____(who)_____ because _____(why)_____.

*Repeat these questions for as many people as you want*

Example: My family life is really, really good. I am in contact with my mom and dad at least once a week, or at least 4 times a month. I take my dad to John Mayer concerts every time he’s in town, personal development seminars and health retreats for literally paying for everything in my life and giving me the chance to be successful. I’ll also take him on at least 3 epic vacations. I take my mom on at least 2 epic vacations because she has tried to be the best mom she could and has taken me on some epic vacations herself. When I have a family, I take at least one epic vacation with them every 2 years. We plan it out and pay for it all in advance. I buy Harry an automatic gate and biohacking gadgets or things like massage/ir sauna/chiropractic memberships for everyone.


My friends are __(describe who your ideal friends are)___. They _____(what do they do for their careers?)____. I visit my friends at _____(where do you meet up with your friends?)_____. When I’m with my friends, we talk about _____.  

Example: My friends are successful high achievers. They are optimistic, outgoing, friendly, other entrepreneurs. They are in the same careers as me, whether that’s trading or anything in finance or the startup space. Some people include Luke Martin, TradingRoomApp, CryptoSaints, Ivan (Ivan on Tech) and traders. They’re also health people like Ben Greenfield, Drew Canole, Dave Asprey, Robb Wolf, and Sean Croxton. For my health friends I can meet them at paleoFX, the biohackers summit, Runga and more. I visit my friends at health retreats, meetups, entrepreneur retreats, SSM and masterminds. When I’m with my friends, we talk about business, girlfriends, and life. For the most part we talk about higher level things like ideas and how to make the world a better place. They are also on the path of improving themselves. They’re good people.

8. SPIRITUAL (CONNECTION WITH THE UNSEEN TRUE NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE). “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Life is uncertain. There will always be adversity, challenges, things that are unknown, unjust, and things that happen for no rhyme or reason other than the fact that it is life. You can plow your field, plant your seeds and grow your plants to perfection, but there is always the chance that the day before you go to harvest there is a hail storm that wipes out your crops. How you are able to deal with such things is where a spiritual practice comes in. If you can reach a level of “higher consciousness” or “enlightenment,” that can enrich your life and empower you in ways that not many other things can. Spiritual practices (whether that’s religion, yoga, meditation, or some other form), enhances and amplifies your entire experience of life.

Write out what your ideal spiritual connection will look like.

Example: I am spiritually connected to the universe, nature, myself, and all beings around me while being centered and at peace. I am grounded. I align my chakras and strive for enlightenment. I continually improve and push out good energy, positive vibes, and healing forces. I celebrate each and every moment of the day. I live in the present and live with an open heart. I live my purpose each and every day. I make a contribution to the lives of others each and every day. I improve the world and live in harmony with nature. I fight for the organic flow of things and the peaceful state of nature and the world. Practices such as yoga and meditation help me tap into my spiritual self.

Once you’ve written out all of the different visions for each area of your life, you’ll then want to copy and paste each answer into a once page document that you can print out and reference each week. Remember, most people don’t even begin. Many people begin, but they stop or they don’t have any follow through. You want to be the 1% that actually does.

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations; You’re more focused than 95% of the population. Now, take it a step further and actually go through this exercise yourself. Open up a google doc and write out your own answers. Copy and paste them into a one pager. Print it out and read it aloud each week. What you focus on grows. You move in whichever direction you’re looking.

Once you complete this exercise, sign up to the newsletter below to get the Wheel of Life along with other tools you can use to create your dream life today.

All the best,

You’re awesome,

Stay awesome,





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